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10729 Town Square Dr NE Ste 150, Blaine, MN 55449

Your Children’s Dentist Gives 5 Ways to Celebrate Your Kids’ Oral Health

February 9, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgreen @ 4:44 pm

blonde haired boy brushing teethCan you believe how fast February has rolled around again? It’s National Children’s Dental Health Month and you’re eager to utilize this time to encourage your children to practice better oral hygiene and become more engaged in their dental care. Your children’s dentist applauds your efforts and suggests that you incorporate some fun activities into your family’s routine to really get your little ones excited about their teeth. In addition, he has tips for teaching effective oral habits.


A Dentist Offers Tips for Caring for Your Teeth Between Dental Visits

January 10, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgreen @ 4:53 pm

woman with toothbrushRegularly visiting your dentist in Blaine is one of the major keys to maintaining a clean and healthy mouth, but it isn’t the only thing you need to do for a smile that just won’t quit. Your dentist will be proud of you (and you’ll be proud of yourself) if you are diligent about caring for your teeth and gums during the six months between your routine checkups. Here are some simple tips to keep your grin in great shape.


Tooth Loss – Your Children’s Dentist in Blaine Explains the Process

December 12, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgreen @ 1:12 pm

little girl pointing at missing tooth

The moment your child runs into the room and exclaims that his or her tooth is loose is priceless. It’s like there’s an innate intelligence in all children that let them know that this is an important milestone in their lives. And their right! The excitement of losing a tooth is something that all of us have experienced. You don’t want to miss a thing about this part of their lives, and desire to know more about the process. That’s why your children’s dentist in Blaine wants you to be aware of what age to expect your child to start losing his or her teeth, what to do if the process begins earlier than normal and the right time to commence with preventive dentistry.


Dentist in Blaine Highlights The Top Dental Discoveries From 2016

October 20, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgreen @ 11:07 pm

A scientist performing tests in a research lab.It’s common for dentists, as well as most medically professionals, to stay up to date on new technology, research data, and medical procedures designed to help patients more every day. When new research is reported, it can truly shake the industry from the top down. With that being said, what were some of the most notable discoveries made in 2016?

This list covers several different topics as they relate to dentistry, such as oral health, anesthetics, and cavities. However, it also mentions male testosterone, breathing habits, and cancer. You don’t want to miss what your dentist in Blaine is sharing today. (more…)

Is Dental Phobia in Your Genes?

September 10, 2017

fearful child covering mouth at dentistNo, but it may be contagious! If you’re scared of visiting the dentist, think about where that fear started. If you’re like many of the millions of US adults who claim dental phobia or anxiety makes visiting the dentist a stressful experience, you will likely point to a bad experience as a child. Many people who have dental phobias also have parents who feared the dentist, but what these dental phobic patients don’t always think of is how their own fears are impacting their kids. Keep reading to find out how to start your child off on the road to a lifetime of healthy smiles free from dental phobias and anxieties. A good family and children’s dentistry office will offer a safe and comfortable environment where kids will feel right at home.

How to Find the Right Dentist Near Me

June 12, 2017

Filed under: General Dentistry,Uncategorized — Tags: , — drgreen @ 9:33 pm

Dr. Green is the dentist near me that can care for all the smiles in your family. No matter what you’re looking for, Google can find it. A gas station near me? Follow Google’s directions. A pizza place near me? Choose the one with five stars. A dentist near me? Well, you may want to do some research before you make your selection. The dentist you choose should have excellent credentials, offer a variety of services and be dedicated to providing you and your family with individualized care. In Blaine, that dentist is Dr. Green and his team at Imagine Smiles. Read on to learn about the uniqueness of our practice and why our dental care may be just right for you!


School’s Almost Out! Time to Visit the Family Dentist in Blaine

May 30, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgreen @ 2:16 pm

Family dentist in Blaine provides care for all ages. What is your family looking forward to this summer? Trips to the lake, movie nights, and cookouts are on our lists — and we’d like to suggest adding one more thing. A trip to the family dentist in Blaine! Your child’s smile could be at an increased risk of decay when school’s out. Protect it by scheduling a checkup and cleaning with Dr. Green today.


Dentist in Blaine Offers Tips That Make Oral Health Fun For The Family

April 17, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgreen @ 8:59 pm

Your dentist in Blaine offers some tips that make oral health fun for the family.With all the emerging information about the impact of your oral health on your overall health and well being, we can definitely tell you that there’s never been a more important time to take charge of your oral health. If taking great care of your teeth is a priority for you, how can you make it important to your kids as well? Dr. Douglas Green, your dentist in Blaine, offers some tips that make caring for your oral health fun for the whole family.


Straightening Smiles is Easy with Clear Braces in Blaine

March 22, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgreen @ 11:12 pm

 Dr. Green offers a full menu of cosmetic dentistry that are so natural looking including clear braces in Blaine.Unfortunately, people pass judgments off their first impression of you. How you feel about your smile matters, but it also matters to those interacting with you. An unsightly smile can cause you to feel self-conscious and other people can pick up when someone has low self-esteem. Flawed teeth can stop you from pursuing your dreams, hinder job opportunities, and leave you in a rut. Luckily, Imagine Smiles has two eco-friendly orthodontic treatments: Invisalign clear braces in Blaine and Six Month Smiles. Dr. Green can help you straighten your smile without using harmful, unattractive metal brackets and wires.


Family Dentist in Blaine Cares About You and the Environment

February 7, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgreen @ 6:19 pm

Your family dentist in Blaine won’t risk your future health with unnatural products. The assumption is that nobody is going to treat your family like you will, but that’s not necessarily true. When you find a dentist that shows they care about not only you and your family’s oral health, but their overall health as well, you know that you’ve found the best family dentist in Blaine. Imagine Smiles is an environmentally friendly office that offers comprehensive services for each member of your family, despite their age. We work to complement nature through an earth-friendly practice, protecting the environment from unnecessary damages. We only use the safest, natural dental materials for our patients, working to make the world a better place one smile at a time.


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