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Imagine Smiles Blog

Brushing and Flossing Tips from Your Dentist in Blaine

September 7, 2016

Brushing and flossing maintain your oral health. Read how to do them best from Dr. Douglas Green, family dentist in Blaine.Your Blaine dentist, Dr. Douglas Green, says daily brushing and flossing at home keep smiles  healthy and shining. What’s the best way to do your oral hygiene routine? (more…)

Blaine dentist replaces missing teeth for super smiles

August 9, 2016

Blaine DentistBlaine dental implants, partial and full dentures, implant-supported dentures–they’re all on the list of restorative dental treatments at Imagine Smiles. Dr. Douglas Green shares his expertise and experience with patients who have lost teeth due to decay, gum disease or accident. He can restore your missing teeth at Imagine Smiles so you can look, speak and eat just as if nothing ever happened. (more…)

How Oral Health Affects Overall Health

June 28, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — drgreen @ 5:51 pm

Blaine dentistYour oral health plays a larger role than just giving you a healthy, beautiful smile. Your oral health is directly linked to your overall health. If you have dental complications, such as untreated abscesses or gum disease, you’re opening the door to a diversity of health complications. Poor oral care can produce a wide range of health complications, including cardiovascular disease, dementia, and respiratory infections. As your Blaine dentist, we encourage you to protect your overall health by maintaining your dental health.

You may be an excellent candidate for dental implants!

February 8, 2016

Filed under: Dental Implants — Tags: , , , , — drgreen @ 4:50 pm

dental implants blaineAt Imagine Smiles, we absolutely love granting good news. In fact, one of the highlights of Dr. Green’s day is telling patients with missing teeth that they’re good candidates for dental implants. That’s because absolutely nothing completes a smile as well as this option — and Dr. Green is passionate about building beautiful, healthy smiles in our community. Now the question is, are dental implants in Blaine a good option for you and your teeth? Keep reading to find out more about filling in your smile gaps in 2016!


CEREC Blaine: One Hour Crowns at Imagine Smiles

December 21, 2015

Filed under: CEREC — Tags: , , , , — drgreen @ 8:30 pm

cerec blaineWe’ve long known dental crowns to be an excellent solution for a number of dental problems — broken, cracked or stained teeth can all benefit from a sturdy crown. For years, the only downside of a crown was the amount of time the procedure took: a couple of weeks and at least two visits to the dentist. But the team at Imagine Smiles has good news for you in 2016. With CEREC technology in Blaine, your crown can be created and placed all in the same visit. How does that sound? Keep reading to learn more about one hour crowns today!


Six Month Smiles – Blaine Clear Braces for Adults

November 30, 2015

Smiling woman using six month smiles from the Blaine clear braces dentistIf you’re one of the numerous US adults who were unable to receive orthodontic treatment early in life, and feel that the length of time for treatment, numerous orthodontic appointments, and appearance of traditional braces make this option unfeasible as part of your current lifestyle, Imagine Smiles may have the option for you: Six Month Smiles. This innovative orthodontic treatment system offers adults the opportunity to correct misalignment in as little as six months without a mouth full of metal.

Biological Dentist in Blaine Answers Your Questions

October 26, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgreen @ 9:24 pm

biologic dentist blaineBiological dentistry is an exciting field that has a lot to offer you and your teeth. But if you’ve got questions about what that means, you’re not alone — it’s often misunderstood as something that it’s not. So this morning, settle back and listen up;
Dr. Green, your biological dentist in Blaine, is in to answer your questions. (more…)

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