Dental Checkups and Cleanings – Blaine, MN
Preserving Your Healthy and Beautiful Smile
Taking care of your smile involves a lot more than simply remembering to brush and floss every day. It also requires effort on your part to visit Dr. Green at least once every six months for a dental checkup and cleaning. At these appointments, Dr. Green will conduct a thorough examination of your mouth to check for any abnormalities. Then, one of our hygienists will give your pearly whites a professional cleaning that will leave you feeling fresh. If it has been a while since your last checkup, don’t hesitate to contact us today to schedule one!
What You Can Expect During Your Dental Checkup
At Imagine Smiles, our philosophy is about more than making sure your teeth and gums are healthy. We want to ensure that your body is in good shape as well. That’s why, at your regular appointments, we’ll ask you some general health questions in addition to questions about your oral habits. Then, Dr. Green will examine each and every one of your teeth and all of your gum tissue for problems like tooth decay and gum disease. He will also be sure to examine all the soft tissues in your mouth as well as your neck, throat, and head for signs of oral cancer. When it comes to oral health issues like that, early detection and prevention are the best treatments.
What You Can Expect During Your Dental Cleaning
Once Dr. Green has finished examining you, he will hand you off to one of our dental hygienists. They will use special tools to remove plaque and its hardened form, tartar, that have accumulated on your teeth. You can get rid of plaque on your own using your toothbrush and paste, but once it has hardened into tartar, then only a dental professional can remove it. That’s where your dental hygienist comes in. After they have gotten rid of plaque and tartar, they will use a special toothpaste to polish your teeth and make them shine a little brighter. This toothpaste also temporarily makes it harder for plaque to stick to your teeth, helping to keep them healthy.
Importance of Dental Checkups and Cleanings
Dr. Green is what’s known as a holistic or biologic dentist, meaning he wholeheartedly believes that the health of your mouth affects your overall health. When your teeth and gums are in bad shape, such as when you have an oral infection like gum disease, that can spread to the rest of your body. For this reason. Dr. Green chooses to focus on treating you as a person rather than just your teeth and gums.
If you haven’t had a dental appointment in a while, now is the perfect time to schedule one. Click here to contact us to do so!